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Parashat Haazinu/Sukot | October 7/8 2022

Shabbat starts: 17:57 | Shabbat ends: 18:54

Dear Stevy,

Yashar kochachem to all of the talented baalei tefillah who davened on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, including Jonty Zwebner, David Zwebner and  R' Ari Solomont. Their tefillot were truly inspiring as were the perfectly timed kolot that Richard Schwartz blew with his shofar. We are also indebted to the dedicated work of Norman Brainin.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach


  • Mincha Erev Shabbat: 18:07
  • Shacharit Shabbat morning: 08:15
  • Mincha:Shabbat afternoon: 17:57
  • Maariv Motzai Shabbat: 18:49


  • Sukot starts at: 17:55
  • Mincha Erev Sukot: 18:05
  • Shacharit Sukot (1) morning: 08:15
  • Maariv Motzai Chag: 18:46

Chol Hamoed

  • Shacharit: One minyan: 07:00
  • Mincha: 18:05
  • Maariv: 18:30

For information on donations and shul memberships,

please contact Shlomo at 054-664-1555.

About the Central Synagogue of Afridar

The building was dedicated in 1959 with support from the South African Jewish community. It was recently renovated and is wheelchair accessible. It is an Ashkenazi Orthodox shul praying with Nusach Sefard. The congregation is one of the largest in Ashkelon. The Central Synagogue of Afridar has a mix of native Hebrew speakers, (many of them fluent in English), Americans, Canadians, South Africans and Brits. There is a rabbi in the shul who is well-respected in the community and is available to discuss halachic questions in English or Hebrew. The shul has two daily Shacharit minyanim and is well-known as a community shul that hosts large bar mitzvah and aufruf ceremonies

Central Synagogue of Afridar

Yekhezkel Zonabend St 2


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