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Your place of professionalisation and collaboration in the world of Business Analysis

Newsletter of February

📢 Hybrid event on 28th of February - How BA can make change stick

Hello BA enthusiast

"Change is the only constant in life." - Heraclitus, Greek philosopher

What does change mean to you as a person or as a business analysis professional?

Also as a business analysis professional, change can be a real challenge to deal with. Fortunately there are also tools and techniques to support the change process for others in a sustainable way. Get inspired by this month's newsletter in order to get a grip on the change you are dealing with!

 Your IIBA Brussels Chapter Team.


Hybrid event: How Business Analysis can make change stick

Change is everywhere. Every project we do is changing how people work or how customers interact with us. It's changing people. We're changing people. And people don't like change. How can you as a BA make change stick?

Let's find out together with Filip Hendrickx on Tuesday, 28th of February in Brussels (at Smals) or online. This event is for free, but registration is mandatory.

NY drink
Check out the details

BA & Beyond 2023: Early Bird

Are you planning to attend BA & Beyond 2023? Secure your Early Bird discount when you register for the conference until Monday, the 31st of March.

Individual IIBA® members are entitled to a € 50 discount on individual conference afternoon tickets. Check out the program and registration details by clicking the button below.

BA & Beyond 2023
Check out the program and register

BA tip of the month: A story about BA and Change

In need for a good read about BA and change? Why not consider adding "Brainy Glue: Making Change Stick" to your reading list? Free 16-chapter sample on the book's website!

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    BA Café

    Do you miss the opportunity to gather around with other BA professionals? Why not join our weekly BA café on Fridays during lunch break?

    Join our next BA Café

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