Dear Families,
One day left to get this win!
All registered voters should have already received your Measure A ballot by now! While it's now too late to register to vote online, you still have the option of conditionally registering in person at the county elections office at 40 Tower Road, San Mateo, through May 2.
We need EVERY SINGLE ONE of you to turn in your ballot with a yes vote to win! Ballots must be postmarked by May 2, 2023 to count, but the sooner you can turn in your ballot, the better.
We are voting to renew an existing source of local funding that currently provides over $600,000 to teacher salaries, helps keep class sizes smaller, and funds key academic programs. Losing this revenue will mean deep budget cuts for all our schools and a tremendous loss for our students. 67% of the votes received need to be YES votes to win.
Thank you for supporting our school and our district!
Millbrae Taylor PTA Board