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Is Your Pet in Danger of Contracting Leptospirosis?

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You know what warmer weather means! Bring on the long walks, hikes, and spending time outdoors with your furry friend! But before winter officially turns to spring, take some time to refresh your memory on the dangers and diseases that can sneak up on pet parents during the warmer months, like leptospirosis.

What Is Leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a disease seen more frequently during the summer and fall and in warmer areas with high annual rainfall. It is most common in dogs, but more specifically in dogs who roam in rural areas or have exposure to livestock, wildlife, rodents, and other dogs with these risk factors.

How Do I Know If My Dog Has It?

Dogs with leptospirosis often show signs of fever, tenderness of the muscles (leading to reluctance to move), and lethargy. Other symptoms may include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), inflammation of the eyes, bloody nose, urine or stool, and changes in the amount and frequency of urination.

How Do I Prevent My Dog from Getting Leptospirosis?

Vaccinating your dog is the best course of action to prevent the disease. Vaccines are recommended yearly for dogs who are in areas where there is a risk for the disease. In addition, decreasing exposure to the sources of the bacteria will reduce the risk of disease development. Talk to your veterinarian about vaccinating your dog. Also, be mindful of letting your pet drink from lakes, rivers, or other natural water sources. Pack fresh water and a bowl for outdoor excursions with your dog.

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A free online class brought to you by Bioguard

Summers are here, and tick-borne diseases are much more prevalent among our pet dogs.
Learn more about the most common and frequently occurring tick-borne diseases by Dr. Yung Tsun Lo DVM, PhD.

Access to the on-demand recording is FREE

Obtain a CERTIFICATE of attendance

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May 31

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8 PM – 9 PM


About the Webinar:

The most important tick-borne diseases that affect dogs are Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis. Transmitted by the bite of infected ticks, the severity of the disease may even lead to organ failure and death. Therefore, the healthy management plan for dogs should contain routine checks for these vector-borne diseases.

In this webinar, you will learn:
1. The cause of the three critical tick-borne diseases
2. Diagnosis of ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis in dogs
3. Treatment selections

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Certificate of Attendance

eCertificate will be issued to the registered attendants joining the webinar for at least 50 minutes.

How to Join: Three Options:

Option 1: Watch via ZOOM

You can join us live directly via Zoom by simply registering. Please note that we will send you the link that is unique to you and should not be shared with anyone.

Option 2: Watch on our FACEBOOK Page

Follow our Facebook page and join us live during the webinar.

Option 3: Watch at your LEISURE

Registering to attend this webinar will also gain you access to the on-demand recording, which will be available 24 hours later.


We look forward to seeing you at this event.

Happy Learning!

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About Bioguard Corporation

The Bioguard is a company focusing on animal disease diagnostic services and products.
Our animal health diagnostic center is the first and only ISO/ IEC 17025 accredited animal disease testing laboratory in Taiwan and China.

Copyright © Bioguard Corp., All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is: [email protected]

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