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Marsha Gordon Image

Dear Louis,

This weekend I begin my fall book tour, which runs through the end of the year! My events through the end of September appear in the graphic below. You can view links for more information, as well as details for the rest of my tour, on the home page of my website.

Marsha Gordon's Homepage

I’m very excited to introduce films, give talks about Ursula in Hollywood, and sign books, too.  It’ll be great to see some old friends and make new ones on the road (confession: I’ve never been to Wisconsin before!).  

If you know people who live in these areas, I’d truly appreciate if if you’d share my tour information with them.  A small book like mine depends on word of mouth, so thank you for helping me spread the word.

Speaking of travel...Ursula Parrott spent a lot of time in Bermuda, a popular American tourist destination that was favored by many New York writers such as Eugene O’Neill, who owned a home there, and F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, who went for the first time in 1933, stayed at the Hotel St. George, rode bicycles, and enjoyed drinking sherry on the hotel's veranda.

This advertisement in College Humor magazine (December 1930 issue) shows what it might have been like on board one of the many ships that embarked from the port of New York, where Parrott would have boarded, to various island destinations. These games look pretty fun! And I especially like the women’s sporty attire.

Parrott went to Bermuda and the West Indies to unwind and she also set stories there in which she tackled subjects quite different than those in her NYC tales about exhausted working women, disappointing men, and children who felt abandoned by their parents.  I guess this goes to show you that everyone needs a break from their regular beat.

However, these trips were not always restorative.  I wish I knew more about what happened when Parrott ended up in a Nassau hospital after seriously injuring herself while riding a horse in 1930—an incident that earned a mention in the New York Herald Tribune.

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Like the Fitzgeralds, Parrott probably convalesced while drinking sherry on her hotel veranda. But imagine how frustrating it must have been for her to have been unable to type without pain. At least she had already turned in her latest novel!

I hope I’ll be swinging through your neck of the woods on my tour, either on this leg or in the months to come as I travel to Los Angeles, Pleasantville, New York City, Lansing, Chicago, Durham, and Boston!

In the meantime, if you go riding be sure to hold on to the reins.

Thank you!  


Marsha Gordon

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