Climate and Energy Committee
The Climate and Energy Committee is preparing for Earth Day, which incorporates Town Clean-Up. Mark your calendars—Saturday, April 20. This year, we will enable street level tracking so volunteers can tell us where they are cleaning and see what has already been covered. To
volunteer, contact [email protected]. (Check out our poster later in the newsletter for ice cream and pizza details.) In addition to clean-up activities, we will host tables from local green organizations. There will be passive Earth Day and Climate-related exhibits at several locations throughout town including at the library. Details to follow, so watch your email.
We continue our ongoing work on electrification and reducing carbon emissions. Join us to put advocacy in action by promoting renewable energy, heat pumps, and electric appliances in the Hudson community. Contact: Brian White [email protected]
Education and Outreach Committee
Our Climate Cafes continued in March with a very informative presentation about Electric Vehicles (EV's). The presenter, Anna Vanderspek from Green Energy Consumers Alliance, provided information and answers to many questions in her data-filled discussion. The weather was cold and rainy, so if you missed it please browse over to to see the recording as well as the slides.
Next month we go "Beyond Plastics: Why we need to and how we can." Come hear about our own efforts to ban polystyrene (styrofoam) and plastic straws. We are asking local restaurateurs to reconsider what their takeout containers are made of, for example. We'll also hear about the larger world of plastic reduction, and beyond.
In other news, we are hoping to get lots of volunteers at HudsonFest, June 10th, to help support our third year in a 5-year effort to have a "Waste Free HudsonFest." This year we will be setting up and staffing 4 recycle and composting stations, located where the trash cans are. We'll have information at each of the stations, and we need volunteers to spend an hour or two as stewards of the process, helping people sort things into the right bin. Look for a sign-up sheet in the near future, or send your contact information now to the committee contact: [email protected].
Plastics Reduction Committee (PRC)
We have begun investigating the climate effects of synthetic or artificial turf (a.k.a. astro turf) which is made of plastic (recycled tires) and harmful chemicals including PFAS that not only are health hazards but create “heat sinks”, and shed microplastics where they are used. A few towns in MA are starting to ban them. Rep. Carmine Gentile is sponsoring a bill H.3948 to prohibit new synthetic turf fields going forward. To date, none of Hudson’s athletic fields utilize synthetic turf.
We are impatiently waiting for the Ways and Means Committee to move An Act to Reduce Plastics: S.570/H.882 to the House and Senate for a full vote. You can email or call the Ways and Means Chairs: Senator Michael Rodrigues (617-722-1114) and Representative Aaron Michlewitz (617-722-2990). They have until July 31 to pass this bill. If it does not pass, Green Hudson will file a petition to reduce single use plastics including Styrofoam from our restaurants and supermarkets for the November Town Meeting. Please consider helping with that effort if necessary.
Earth Day 2024 is officially called "Planet vs. Plastics" and is focused on reducing all plastic production by 60% by the year 2040! You can do your part! See their website for more
PRC's own Elisa Pearmain along with Beyond Plastics Boston’s President Eileen Ryan will be presenting "Beyond Plastics: Why we need to and how we can" at Green Hudson's Climate Cafe on Tuesday April 23.
For information on the PRC committee, contact: Elisa Pearmain.