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Thame Business Energy Breakfast - please spread the word! 

9am – 10.30amFriday 17 May

Thame Barns Centre Church Rd, Thame, OX9 3AJ

Energy and energy price rises have been much in the news. The government’s Energy Bills Discount Scheme, which was protecting business with a price cap from the worst of these rise, recently ended on 31 March2024.  The environmental impact of our fossil fuel energy use is also being felt closer to home, with more severe storms, flooding and summer heat extremes due to climate change. 


If you know of a business or any organisation that regularly uses the same building, that may want to reduce the energy they use, please encourage them to come t

o our Business Energy Breakfast.  The workshop will cover eliminating wasted energy, how to improve energy efficiency and which low carbon technologies are appropriate for small to medium sized businesses. There will be light touch solutions for those with little time or money and more impactful suggestions for businesses wanting a strategic planned approach to energy.  Everyone will go away with practical steps that they can take to manage their energy better.  

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with South Oxfordshire District Council as the lead authority.

At the end of the workshop there will be an opportunity to businesses to apply for up to £1,000 of funding to part-cover the cost of a building energy assessment for your business, which will include a site visit and report. 

The workshop will be delivered by two experts from Energy Solutions Oxfordshire (ESOx).

Helen Watts is a qualified engineer and energy assessor for the Environmental Information Exchange at Oxford Brookes University. Her career includes being an Environmental Champion in the automotive industry, putting up a wind turbine in a remote Soviet collective farm with no electricity, helping a local primary school reduce its energy use and installing solar panels and a heat pump in her own home. 

Alison Grunewald has worked in sustainability for 23 years. As Business Relationships Manager at Low Carbon Hub, she led the £4.2M OxFutures project, which helped grow Oxfordshire’s low carbon economy. The project delivered building energy assessments and energy efficiency advice to 182 local businesses and resulted in average 19% energy savings and £2,500 financial savings per business.  With BEIS funding, she set up Energy Solutions Oxfordshire in collaboration with Oxford Brookes EiE in 2020-21.  This service has already resulted in £1.8M of investment in energy efficiency and renewable technologies. She is a qualified chartered surveyor.

Book your space here.

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Have your say about Thame's new Community Bus

Thame Town Council  are about to develop a Community Bus service and want to hear what you think is missing in our local bus services, what the barriers are to you using Public Transport are, and what a Community Transport service should seek to achieve.
This will be open until 9am Monday 15 April 


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Signposts: Thame-Haddenham Greenway news

Read the latest news here

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List your events for free

In case you missed it, Thame Town Council website has a function that allows you to list your events for free. If they are environmental events, and you categorise them as this, they will also appear on a page dedicated to local environmental events - making it easier for people to find listings of all events in one area. 

However, for it to work, you have to use it. So please make sure you use it! If you want Becky to list them for you please email her details and an image/poster to go with it to [email protected]

List your event for free here

Find out about local environmental events here

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Oxfordshire Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)

The Oxfordshire BSIP sets out our key ambitions for improving the local bus network and how the county council and bus companies will work in partnership to deliver them.

To help us develop and update the plan we're keen to hear your views, particularly on areas to focus on beyond March 2025. There is no guarantee of any further government funding being available, however we are excited about the opportunity this presents and want to ensure that our updated Improvement Plan reflects the views of our stakeholders and residents.

Please use the following link to access our online survey:

Oxfordshire Bus Improvement Plan 2024 | Let's Talk Oxfordshire

The survey closes at 11.59pm on Sunday 14 April.

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Greenpeace Operation Climate Vote

A general election is coming soon, and it’s our best shot at getting strong climate action.

Greenpeace is uniting the British public to push the next government – whoever it is – to take climate change seriously.


If you want to play a part locally, Chinnor & Thame Friends of the Earth are currently knocking on doors and would be happy to hear from volunteers who want to help. Please email [email protected] or ring Maureen on 07528030151.

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Could you be a Green Street Champion, and help to create widespread behavioural change in Thame?

21st Century Thame are on the hunt to find enthusiastic residents on every street in Thame who are happy to share 'green' tips and ideas with their peers, using a model that has worked with great success for their 'Hedgehog Highways' project - which has 100+ volunteers. 

How it works

  • You sign up to regularly receive an email  with ideas and resources to share with your neighbours. This will be seasonal and include topics like tree planting, building bird houses, no mow may, growing your own food and other projects such as waste reduction and clean air initiatives.
  • You get involved in activities you feel comfortable in doing. This could include leaflet drops, thermal imaging, helping with garden assessments.
  • You get invited to events to find out what others are doing on their street, and to increase your education and awareness on various green topics.
  • You are not obliged to do anything that you don't feel comfortable doing, and will have support from others at all times.

We believe that the street champion approach is absolutely crucial to combat climate change as it’s based on real human connection, relationships and peers influencing each other for the better.

Come and join 21st Century Thame on this exciting journey!

Upcoming events

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Indoor Car Boot / Table Top Sale

Date and time: 21/04/2024, 10am - 12pm


This is an ideal way to ensure that your unwanted items can find a new home and be reused, whilst earning you some extra money.

Refreshments of cakes and drinks will be available. Entrance is free.

To book a table at £5 per table, please email [email protected] or ring Maureen on 07528030151

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Thame Repair Cafe - 21st Century Thame

Date and time: 27/04/2024, 2pm - 4pm

Location: Racquets Fitness Centre

The idea is to match amazing amateur repairers with people who need stuff fixed and all for FREE. The Repair Cafe will be a learning experience to help everyone get more confident on fixing things at home.

Bring your small electrical, mechanical, household items and textiles and learn how to repair them.

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Thame Environmental Forum

Dates and time: 

28/03/2024, 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start

23/05/2024, 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start

25/07/2024, 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start

12/09/2024, 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start

28/11/2024, 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start

Location: Thame Town Hall

A regular meeting with the purpose of working together to embed environmental issues in the community muscle – ensuring they become an integral part of community and citizen life (and ultimately a part of political life), recognising that much of this work will have to happen through empowering, connecting and nurturing community groups, rather than creating a plethora of ‘new’ initiatives through the Environmental Forum.

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Chinnor Climate Cafe

Date: Last Wednesday each month

Time:10.30am - 12pm

Location: Chinnor Village Centre

Time:7pm - 8.30pm

Location: White's Windmill Cafe

A monthly meeting in Chinnor exploring Climate Change. Email [email protected] to find out more.

Get in touch!

email [email protected] if you have an article you would like to include in this newsletter

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