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ZenWorking is our e-news delivering information about ZenWorks contents and licensing industry consulting, agency and media services. Learn more at www.zenworks.jp


Let's meet at 

Licensing Expo 2024!

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〜〜代理店 • 広告メディア トレードイベント 偽物侵害対策 広報〜〜

We offer cost-effective, leading licensing solutions 

and consulting for brand owners

 ~~ Agency • Advertising Media • Trade Event • Anti-Piracy • PR ~~

(English follows Japanese)





• Total Licensingによるの業界B2B媒体(中国本土を除くアジア全域)

• Informa Markets主催のLicensing Expo, Licensing Expo ChinaとBrand Licensing Europeの展示会出展 (日本)

• New Alchemy Solutionsの無料海賊版対策(日本と韓国)

• Kilogrammediaの業界PRサービス(アジア全域)




- ライセンシング ジャパン/コンテンツ東京(7月3~5日、東京ビッグサイト)
- ライセンシング・エキスポ・チャイナ(7月17-19日、上海NECC)
- アジアコンテンツエキスポACEフェア(9月26-29日、韓国・光州KDJコンベンションセンター)。



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Dear Licensing Colleagues

I'm excited to reconnect with many of you at the upcoming Licensing Expo in Las Vegas. If you're interested in scheduling a meeting to discuss what we offer, please read on.

In addition to meeting with licensor clients, I will use my time in Vegas to promote ZenWorks licensing consulting and service solutions. We specialize in assisting IP owners who are looking to expand into new licensing markets. Our service offerings include:

• trade media advertising with Total Licensing (all Asia except mainland China).

• Licensing Expo, Licensing Expo China and Brand Licensing Europe trade show booth sales (Japan only) for Informa Markets.

• free anti-piracy solutions with New Alchemy Solutions (Japan and Korea).

• licensing PR from Kilogrammedia (all Asia).

At ZenWorks, we believe in providing not only top-notch licensing solutions that have been thoroughly tested, but are also cost-effective, and are delivered in an exceptional and friendly manner. After all, building trust is a fundamental aspect of licensing, and it is crucial to genuinely appreciate the people we collaborate with.

To learn more about the services we offer, simply scan the QR code below or click the image, and follow the links. If you're interested in discussing your needs, please contact me promptly to schedule a meeting in Vegas. I'm also available for online meetings.

Lastly, I would like to share that ZenWorks will be present at the following trade shows throughout the summer. If you are exhibiting or attending, let's schedule a meeting:

• Licensing Japan/Content Tokyo (3-5 July, Tokyo Big SIght)

• Licensing Expo China (17-19 July, NECC, Shanghai) 

• Asia Contents Expo ACE Fair (26-29 September, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea). 

Best regards,

Roger Berman @ ZenWorks

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 株式会社ZenWorks • ZenWorks Co., Ltd.

〒201-0001 東京都狛江市西野川 4-33-9

4-33-9 Nishinogawa, Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-0001, Japan

+(81)-90-6003-7068 ■ [email protected]www.zenworks.jp

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