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Teacher and staff appreciation week was such a great success thanks to all who contributed and volunteered their time to help out! Special thanks to local businesses who donated meals (Crepevine, Brother's Cafe, and Lai Lai Restaurant), local businesses who provided deep discounts for PTA-sponsored meals (Paris Baguette, Mountain Mike's Pizza and Millbrae Kebabs & Gyros), generous parents who contributed toppings for the yogurt and ice cream treats, and 8th grade parents who contributed to the amazing charcuterie grazing table!

The teachers and staff were very pleasantly surprised and felt truly appreciated. 

URGENT! PTA Leadership for Next Year Needed!

Dear Taylor Families,

We are currently looking for parents to fill open positions on the upcoming 2024/2025 Taylor PTA Board. This is a great opportunity for you to support and be involved with your child's school! Positions can be shared and incoming 6th grade parents are welcome to join!

Please note that in order to have a PTA, the positions of President, Treasurer and Secretary MUST BE filled. If we do not fill these essential positions, all of our current PTA funds will go to San Mateo County PTA and we will not be able to operate Taylor PTA for two years! Please don't let our kids lose PTA support. We are still looking for a President or Co-Presidents.

Available Positions:


Vice President



* Required for the PTA to function.

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Join the 2024-25 Team!
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Last General PTA Meeting

Thu, May 23 at 7:30 pm

Please join us for our last Taylor PTA General Meeting. Learn about the PTA financial report, teacher and principal updates, PTA announcements, and vote in the new PTA Exec Board for next year!

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 815 9444 7731
Passcode: 056171

Join Meeting Now

Other Upcoming Events

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Thu, May 16

Sojourn to the Past

Info Night for 7th Grade Parents

Time: 5:30 pm

Place: Taylor Middle School Auditorium

Come learn about this fantastic opportunity for your child to participate in during their 8th grade year.

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Fri, May 17

Last Principal's Coffee

8:45 am in Room B5

Please join the principals in Room B5 to hear about upcoming campus updates, provide feedback for LCAP goals or learn more about end of year activities.

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Tue, May 21

School's Out! Reset Your Family's Tech Habits This Summer

9:00 am

Free Virtual Webinar

School schedules may be on pause, but the stress of monitoring your children's media consumption never goes on vacation. Why not frame the summer months as a time to rethink your family’s free-time and establish new habits around tech and media that work for everyone? You just might wind up designing the best summer ever! Join us for a live Connected Schools webinar with Dr. Jacqueline Nesi and Dr. Emily Weinstein and learn strategies to destress your tech parenting. Our 45-minute webinar will be moderated by Common Sense’s Merve Lapus and is appropriate for parents and caregivers with kids of all ages. This event will be recorded. 

Presented by:

Dr. Emily Weinstein

Dr. Jacqueline Nesi

Merve Lapus

    Register Now
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    Wed, May 29

    Yearbooks will be distributed


    Orchid grad leis will be available for pick up.

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    Thu, May 30

    FREE Graduation and Promotion Photos

    Time: 2:00-6:30 pm

    Place: Millbrae Central Park


    Generously provided by A Gem Home

    Sign Up Now
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    Fri, May 31

    8th Grade Promotion

    Time: 10:00 am

    Place: Caroline Shea Center


    Tickets required

    Other Information

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    Notable Dates

    May 15  6th Grade Math Placement Re-take

    May 16  7th Grade Parent Sojourn Info Night

    May 17 Last Principal's Coffee 

    May 23  6th Grade Math Placement Test #2;

                    Last General PTA Meeting

    May 31 Last Day of School; early dismissal

    Jun 25-Jul 12  Taylor Summer Bridge

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    8th Grade Promotion Events

    May 23—8th grade Dance 5-7:30pm in the Taylor Auditorium

    May 29—BBQ picnic on the Taylor Field 

    May 30—Free Graduation/Promotion Photos

    May 31—8th Grade Promotion in the Shea Center 

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    Music Needs Your Help!

    Music parents,


    We are asking for your help with one of Amanda’s music classes. During 6th period, Miss Amanda makes lesson plans for the parent helper to follow. Please note that no music experience is necessary.


    Thank you all in advance!

    Sign Up Now
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    Taylor Summer Bridge

    June 25 - July 12

    8:35 am - 12:30 pm

    Taylor is thrilled to offer the Summer Bridge Program for rising 6th grade families.


    When:  June 24- July 12 (No school July 4)

    Time: 8:35 AM - 12:30 PM


    Rising 6th graders will get to experience life as a middle school student and learn the campus in the safety of only rising 6th graders on campus.


    A Google Form will go out to our fifth grade families soon to sign up. As a reminder, students are expected to attend each day of the Summer Bridge program or will be dropped at the second absence.

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    AYSO Fall Registration Open

    Registration for the fall season of Region 145 AYSO is now open. Multiple in-person registration events available.


    Early bird pricing at in-person registration events. Family discounts and scholarships available.

    Link for More InfoEmail for More Info
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    Looking for Adventure?

    Consider joining the local Boy Scouts Troop 355!

    Link for More InfoEmail for More Info
    About Troop 355More Info About Camp Royaneh
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