December 13, 2024
Dear Dharma friends from around the world. Tashi Delek!
It is our great pleasure to announce KIBI will be conducting a three year course on Buddhist view, meditation and conduct. Registration is open for the first semester being taught by Khenpo Tsering Samdrub and Khenpo Lobsang. It will be held from the 6th until the 27th of February, 2025.
There will be 3 classes covering the following subjects:
Lamrim - the Gradual Path to Enlightenment
This class guides us to true renunciation and to generate a strong aspiration to attain Buddhahood. It draws from "The Jewel Ornament of Liberation” by Gampopa and other sources.
In this class we learn how to practice Shamatha, Vipasshyana, and Mahamudra meditations using “Moonbeams of Mahamudra” by Takpo Tashi Namgyal as a reference.
Buddhist Abhidharma
Through this class we will understand the Madhyamaka view from the general Abhidharma stand point.
There are single, double, and 8 person rooms available that include attached bathroom, chair and desk. Three vegetarian meals a day will be served in the dining hall.
Registration is now open at the link below. Once finalized the detailed program and daily schedule will be sent to registered participants:
Click here to Register
Interest survey for the follow-up 2026 year course
Should you be interested in the follow-up 2026 course, we would be grateful if you could let us know in this survey. It can be taken without completing the 2025 course.
Click for survey
For the latest information visit KIBI's website here
KIBI Course
And if you have further questions please email
[email protected]
We look forward to welcoming you to KIBI soon!
Warm greetings
Your KIBI Study Course Team