Events, updates, and resources from the Diocese's Mission and Ministry Committee.
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| Welcome to December's Newsletter 🎄
Please remember that various lists of courses, awareness dates, etc, that used to be part of this mailer are now available via our Adventures in Faith pages (see menu below). These will continue to be updated between Newsletters.
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| We are delighted to formally welcome the Revd Daniel (Dani) Munoz Trivino to Edinburgh Diocese after his collation on 20th November. We hope he and Guy are settling well in Musselburgh and wish them every blessing in the years to come. |
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| For all in Authorised Ministry |
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| CMD Days for 2025.... We are in the process of finalising our next couple of CMD days, so it is likely we will be back in touch before Christmas with at least one date, if not two, for your diary. |
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| Learning Lunches for 2025.... Our Learning Lunches will usually be on Zoom, starting at 12:30pm. For reference, here is the Zoom link. We are still finalising most of the dates and topics, but please put the following date in your diary now: it will be held in-person in the Diocese Office. ▶ Thu 15 May: +John reflecting on his trip to Jordan with +Kaisamari.
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| The following College of Preachers Zoom seminars take place from 10:30-1pm, and cost £12. ▶ Tue 14 Jan: Preaching at Baptisms, Revd Dr Jennifer Brown. ▶ Tue 25 Feb: Preaching the Story of Holy Week, Revd Dr Michael Beck.
▶ Sat 22 Mar: Preaching & Apologetics, Rev Dr John Woods. ▶ Wed 2 Apr: The Language of Resurrection: Finding the Right Words, Rev Canon Dr Rod Garner. |
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| For Children, Young People, and Leaders |
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| Thank you to all who have sent some news for our Christmas Youth and Children's Newsletter. There is still time to get in touch and we would LOVE to feature a story about your ministry with, to, and amongst children and young people. Please contact Fee asap to share what's going on, with her and then with the rest of the Diocese! |
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| Diocesan Youth Christmas Card We have pulled together a Christmas Card to send out to the young people who have engaged with us over the past year. We would also like to get it to other young people, via congregations, as it will contain some event photos and dates for future events. If you can 'play postie', please let us know how many you would like and we will send out in a batch. Thank you. |
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| Church Bagging! You will have heard of Munro Bagging. You may even have heard of Bishop Bagging. Let us introduce you to Church Bagging! In 2025, we will be inviting our young people, aged 12-18, to join us at Sunday evening services. This will be chance to meet up with friends old and new as well as experience a range of worship services. Full details are being finalised, but the dates and locations are: 19 Jan - Ps & Gs 16 Feb - St John's, Princes Street 16 Mar - OSP 18 May - St James's, Penicuik 8 Jun - St Peter's, Lutton Place |
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| Godly Play Scotland events will take place in the Godly Play Room at Duddingston Kirk, Edinburgh, starting at 10am. Further details will be on Diocese events calendar shortly. ▶ Circles: Sat 14 Dec, Sat 18 Jan. ▶ Training: Fri 21-Sun 23 Mar. |
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| The Young Adult Retreat to Alnmouth Friary, originally planned for 3-5 January 2025 and organised by SEC young adults for young adults (18-25ish), has been postponed. If you know someone interested who could not previously manage, get them to contact Fee or Claire Benton-Evans for more details. Suggested cost is £120. |
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| Trustee Training Events are now available to book for 2025. These events educate all trustees on their role and responsibilities as both vestry members and charity trustees. The training in 2025 will cover similar ground to previous years but will also include updated information on property, Health and Safety, insurance, and eligibility. All trustees are welcome to attend, with those who have never yet received training strongly advised to do so. |
For 2025, we are going to be keeping the Prayer Diary largely as it currently is on the website, with a few minor tweaks. The Diary is both on the main page and available to download (and print) as a booklet. If you wish to have copies printed for your congregation, please contact Joanna. The social media feed of daily prayers has proved popular and we plan to do the same again for 2025. We would be delighted to receive high-quality photos of the church / congregation to refresh the images we are currently using: please send these to Fee. Additionally, if there is anything in particular you would like added to the prayers for your particular day on social media--be it a group within your congregation or a mission partner near or far--please let us know by Thursday of the preceding week. |
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| There are a few Awareness Days that might be of interest to you / your congregation in December. Please use the menu above to navigate to the relevant page of the website, then click on 'December'. There is a full year there now, for those who like to plan ahead! |
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| 25 Dec-5 Jan - Diocesan Office closed. 2025 15 Feb - Diocesan Synod. 15 Mar - Trustee Training (St Ninian's, Comely Bank). 10 May - BIG Day. 15 May - Learning Lunch with +John (in person). 5-7 Jun - General Synod. 27 Sep - Trustee Training (Trinity Centre, Haddington). 23 Oct - Diocesan Synod (evening). |
Keep up-to-date with Diocesan news & events |
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