Events, updates, and resources from the Diocese's Mission and Ministry Committee.
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| Welcome 🙂 Did you know? You can easily copy and paste text from this email into your own documents & emails. Go on: give it a try! |
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| For all in Authorised Ministry |
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| There are 2 more online Learning Lunches for 2024. Come and learn or share your own experiences. ▶ Thu 3 Oct: GDPR, with Gavin McEwan (charity lawyer) ▶ Thu 21 Nov: Canon 35 and Weddings (as discreet subjects!) Join via Zoom using this link. |
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| The following Zoom seminars take place from 10:30-1pm, and cost £12. ▶ Tue 15 Oct: Preaching from Luke's Gospel, Rev Dr Neil Richardson. ▶ Sat 2 Nov: Preaching for Advent & Christmas, Pastor Dr John Woods. ▶ Tue 14 Jan: Preaching at Baptisms, Revd Dr Jennifer Brown. ▶ Tue 25 Feb: Preaching the Story of Holy Week, Revd Dr Michael Beck
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| The lecture ‘From Gospel to Creed’, by Fr John Behr, due to take place on Friday 27th September has been postponed until Friday 7th March 2025. This is an onsite event, open to all in authorised ministry, at St Mary's Monastery, Kinnoull. RSVP [email protected]. |
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| Please ensure payment for the 2024 Clergy Conference is made before the end of October. Any problems, questions, concerns, etc, should be directed to Joanna in the first instance. |
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| The Provincial Personnel Committee and Bishop John invite stipendiary clergy to sign up for the upcoming SEC Living Well with Differences course run by Place for Hope. This is an online course designed so church leaders become better equipped to recognise and respond well to differences, change and conflict. The course consists of four sessions, delivered online: 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th October 2024 (2-5:30pm). Register Here |
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| Clergy who are instituted, licensed or commissioned are reminded of the requirement to attend the Diocesan Synod on the evening of Thursday 24th October. Apologies should be sent to the Bishop directly and, wherever possible, in advance of the meeting. |
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| This autumn, we are hosting Sunday Afternoon Teas for key members of a congregation. The photo above is from our first, which was for Lay Reps and Alt Lay Reps to Diocesan and General Synods. Future dates are: ▶ 6th October: Vestry Secretaries ▶ 20th October: Wardens ▶ 17th November: Those who work with children & young people All afternoons will start at 3:30pm and finish around 5pm. Please encourage the relevant people to register via links highlighted in red above. |
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| For Children, Young People, and Leaders |
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| The next youth event taking place in the Diocese is the Provincial Youth Sleepover, over the weekend of 26-27th October, at St Columba's-by-the-Castle. This is for all young people of secondary-school age, and graduates of Yeek24. Follow this link to get a copy of the poster and to register for the event. There is a strict deadline for booking of 14th October. |
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| Inspired by our Play Church, we created a 'Funeral Box' to enable children to think about what happens at a funeral. This is in the Diocese Office and can be borrowed at any time to help prepare a child/ren for a funeral. It can also be borrowed for teaching or exploring funerals in general...perhaps one to consider in the remembrance season of November? |
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| CTBI have produced resources for Remembrance Sunday, including a free e-book version of the military-chaplain-recommended book, Beyond Our Tears. |
We have begun to catalogue new Advent and Christmas resources. These will be shared via the Diocese website in due course, where other ideas can still be found. |
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| St Ninian's is hosting its first Climate Café on Saturday 19th October. All are welcome to attend. The hope is that others will be encouraged to start their own Café soon! |
There will be a Diocesan Lent Course for 2025, inspired by the words "Christ has no body but yours". It will be available late-2024 / early-2025. |
For access to Lectionary-based resources for children via Google Drive, please email Fee with name, email, and congregation. |
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| There are a growing number of Net Zero resources online. This checklist can be a handy place to start. Decks of NZ cards can be borrowed from the Office and lots of ideas can be found at: |
On previous DMMC Newsletters we have shared relevant, forthcoming Awareness Days to assist in your ministry and mission. These are now available on our website for the whole year.
Leading your Church into Growth has recently been used by a congregation in the Diocese, and is recommended to others. There is a set of resources in the Office: contact us to have a look or borrow. |
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| The development of our Adventures in Faith programme continues apace. The intention is that we will increasingly direct people's attention to the AiF section of our website and its linked pages, highlighting key items that might interest people in the newsletter. You can see the various parts of the website by clicking on the links below. |
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| Homepage - This gives a very brief outline of what AiF is and has links to different areas and news items. Newsletter - This has all the newsletters available via a hyperlink as well as the ability to sign-up to receive the email. Calendar - Events happening across the Diocese, in congregations and partner organisations. Courses - This is the list of courses that used to appear at the bottom of DMMC newsletters, and highlights courses and events happening all over the UK. Awareness - This is the list of awareness dates that used to appear at the bottom of DMMC newsletters
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| 3 Oct - Learning Lunch (GDPR).
6 Oct - Afternoon Tea for Vestry Secretaries.
20 Oct - Afternoon Tea for Wardens.
24 Oct - Diocesan Synod (evening). 26-27 Oct - Provincial Youth Sleepover (Edinburgh). 4-7 Nov - Clergy Conference.
17 Nov - Afternoon Tea for Children and Youth workers/volunteers. 21 Nov - Learning Lunch (Canon 35/Weddings). 25 Dec-2 Jan - Diocese Office closed.
Keep up-to-date with Diocesan news & events |
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