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Committee Reports

Plastic Reduction Committee. The Board of Health has agreed to sponsor our Plastic Reduction Initiative! They know that plastics pose enough of a health risk to our citizens to make this a Hudson by-law.

Come to the Select Board hearing on Monday, March 10th at 7:00 p.m. being held at the Police Station on Cox St. The Board of Health is scheduled to share their sponsorship with the Select Board. Your presence will show your support of the warrant article! Only those preregistered will be able to speak.

There are more opportunities to learn about the Initiative:

> Go to our website to read the full article and to see a summary.

> Look for our soon-to-be-posted FAQ's.

> Send your questions to [email protected].

> Find us at the Transfer Station on March 15th, April 5th & 19th, and May 3rd.

Contact [email protected] if you're interested in joining this committee.

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Climate and Energy Committee. The Climate and Energy team will meet virtually on Thursday, March 13th @ 7:00 m. Please email Brian for a link.This month we will discuss plans for Earth Day in addition to the Heat Smart program. 

For more information, contact: [email protected]

Education and Outreach Committee. Green Hudson had the pleasure of hosting Brooke Warrington at our February's Climate Cafe. Brooke provided expertise about our "backyard ecosystem" and had great advice about starting a native plant garden. The recording of her presentation can be watched here or through HUD TV.

Our Climate Cafes, including snacks and drinks, are now held in the very nice 2nd floor McClellan Room of the Hudson Public Library. We thank the library's swift willingness to host Green Hudson, allowing our public Climate Cafes to continue uninterrupted. The McClellan Room is a cozy spot for our cafes, and easy parking is behind the library. Join us in time for a prompt 7:00 pm start.

Hudson's State Representative Kate Hogan will be Green Hudson's guest at our next Climate Cafe on March 25. Rep Hogan will be giving us an early view of her PFAS bill, something of great importance to residents.

Part of the Education and Outreach committee's upcoming work will be to help spread the word about Green Hudson's plastic-reduction article, sponsored by the Health Department. GH members will staff an information table at the transfer station and pass out information sheets outside the Post Office and local grocery stores. Please stop and say hello, and ask any questions you may have.

For more information or to volunteer for this committee, contact: [email protected]

Legislative News

Late in February, 2025, MA House and Senate leadership announced their committee assignments. There was a surprising shift in the chairs and members of each of the committees that work on climate legislation, including the Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy (TUE), Transportation, Environment and Natural Resources (ENR), and Agriculture. One exception was Sen. Barrett, who still leads the Senate arm of TUE. 

Many bills related to climate change mitigation have been filed and many advocacy organizations are reviewing them to set their priorities. There's a bill (SD.2088) that limits gas expansion; the statewide bottle bill (HD.1283) has been refiled; as has the plastic bag ban bill (SD.2377).

2025 promises to be a year for lots of action on climate change. 

Stay tuned for regular updates and Action Alerts and think about engaging more actively in advocacy this year. If you are interested in specific bills please contact Tina Grosowsky, [email protected].

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Letter to the Editor Published January 9th in the Boston Globe

Congratulations to Green Hudson's own Jim Whalen who responded to an op ed article in the Boston Globe with a letter to the editor that was published on January 9th. Here is his submission:

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What's All the Hype About Bamboo?

As the fastest growing plant on Earth, bamboo has incredible potential as a sustainable resource. Its woody stem makes it very tree-like (but it's considered a grass), yet it also has unique properties. The approximately 1,000 bamboo species in the world fall within two main categories: clumping and running. Clumping bamboos have roots that grow into clumps, which can become quite large over time. Running bamboos have long underground stems (rhizomes) that sprout new growth, enabling them to rapidly expand their reach. So what makes bamboo so special?

1. Bamboo Grows Fast—Like, Really Fast. According to Guinness World Records, the fastest growing species of bamboo can grow up to 91 cm (35 in) a day. That's about 1.45 inches an hour, so if you sit with bamboo for long enough, it might just grow before your eyes!

2. Bamboo Has Regenerative Powers. When done in the right way, cutting bamboo actually stimulates growth. Many species of bamboo mature in four to eight years; once plants reach maturity, they can be sustainably harvested as a perennial crop for 40+ years. 

3. Bamboo Captures Significant Amounts of Carbon. According to a recent analysis, bamboo production can sequester 2.03 metric tons of carbon per 2.5 acres per year. This figure includes carbon that is stored in long-lived products made from harvested bamboo.

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4. Bamboo is Really Strong and Flexible. Bamboo plants have hollow, but very strong stems that can grow up to 130 feet high with 1-foot-thick stems. With their hollow stems, they are able to grow to similar heights as trees, but much more quickly and using fewer resources. The largest bamboo stems can be used to create planks and scaffolding.

5. Bamboo Empowers Women Economically. The light weight of bamboo enables women to participate in the bamboo economy, giving them access to a potentially lucrative source of income. Some examples of products that can be made with this sustainable resource are: bamboo briquettes, bamboo flooring, charcoal, incense sticks, and furniture. 

6. Bamboo Offers a Sustainable Alternative to Plastics. Bamboo can replace many single-use plastics, including straws, cutlery, cups, bowls and food packaging. Plastic items are among the most emissions-intensive and difficult-to-recycle items. Single-use items also represent between 30% and 50% of all plastic produced and eventually end up in land fills or worse.

Beyond Plastic: How Gardeners Can Reduce Landfill Waste

Follow this link to read the article that appeared on BostonGlobe.com on February 23, 2025 in the "Ask the Gardener" section known for its more earth-friendly solutions.

Introducing Drew Dellinger

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Drew Dellinger, Ph.D., is an internationally known speaker, poet, writer, and teacher whose keynotes and poetry performances—which address ecology, justice, cosmology, and connectedness—have inspired minds and hearts around the world. He is also a consultant and filmmaker.

Drew Dellinger's poetry reaches out to the far ends of the Milky Way and to the inner depths of the soul. His poetry and performances have captivated thousands across six continents. He is, in the words of Cornell West, "one of the most creative, courageous and prophetic poets of his

generation." The power of his poetry is tied to his passion for ecological survival and social justice movements. The Rev. Osagyefo Sekou calls Dellinger "the poet laureate of the global justice democracy movement."

He is the author of the book "Love Letter to the Milky Way" where the opening poem is Heiroglyphic Stairway—a long-term perspective based on responsibility to our great-great- grandchildren. Listen to the Heiroglyphic Stairway recited by the author or you can read his  poem here

Green Hudson's 

Monthly Meeting

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Green Hudson's March meeting will be

Sunday March 23rd at 6 pm.

We will be meeting at member Elisa Pearmain's home.

If you're interested in attending,

please call or text Elisa for the
address: 781-640-9499

Agenda and zoom invites are sent out one week before meetings.

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Recycling Volunteers Needed!

Have fun! Meet your neighbors and

make new friends while helping the planet.

Recycling volunteers needed Saturdays.

For more information: contact [email protected]

 The Assabet River flows through   the town of Hudson providing a   powerful reminder of why we   want to protect the beauty the   earth provides. Scientists are   alarmed as we witness climate   change happening. We need to   do more to put a stop to the   threat.

 Join Green Hudson now to   learn more.

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You are invited

Do you have suggestions for articles, resources of note, inspirations, relevant books to recommend, etc.? Send to [email protected] with the subject line "Green Hudson".

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If you found something of value in this newsletter, please forward it to others who might be interested. And, if you’re reading someone else’s copy and would like to receive your own newsletter each month, please subscribe by emailing [email protected].

For more information on Green Hudson ... visit our website at www.greenhudson.org.

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