Upcoming courses, and newsletter contributions sought!
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| Welcome to the latest Youth & Children Update! |
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| For Children and Young People |
We are in the process of finalising 2025 Diocesan events for children and young people, and the Provincial Youth Committee are meeting before the start of Advent. Dates will be coming to you very soon. |
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| Come and Sing Carols is being held at St Mary's Cathedral on Saturday 14th December for all in P3-7. Arrive at 1:30pm and sing from 2pm. Perform at 4pm after a juice-and-biscuit break! Places are free but limited, so please do book online. |
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| If Fischy Music is something the children in your church enjoy, let them know about the next Fischy Concert in Edinburgh's Queen's Hall on Sunday 17th November, starting at 3pm. Information and tickets available here. |
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| Ring Out is a youth-initiated event for all aged 11-16 concerned about the impact of the climate crisis.
On the 4th Saturday of each month, between 11:30am and 2pm, there is the chance to come together for discussion and creative action, with the bells being rung between 12noon and 12:20pm.
Future date: 23rd Nov (2025 dates coming soon!)
If you'd like to find out more: please contact A+E or phone 07954123543.
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| For Young Adults (18-25ish) |
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| Young Adult Retreat to Alnmouth Friary 3-5 January 2025. This is being organised by young adults in the SEC for those aged 18-25(ish). It is a great opportunity to gather together in the beautiful surroundings of Alnmouth Friary on the Northumberland Coast and share in the Brothers' daily rhythm of prayer. Suggested donation is £120. Contact Fee for organiser's email address. |
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| For Leaders and Volunteers |
The vast majority of ministry with children and young people happens in the context of congregational life. Our aim as a Diocese is to support and resource you in this work. Please do sign-up for next Sunday's afternoon tea, if you can, to meet and chat with others in similar roles. The training being offered by Rachel Cooney in January will leave you buzzing with knowledge and ideas: again, if you are available, please do sign-up and go along. Finally, join with us in building Sunday-by-Sunday resources particularly, but not exclusively, for under-12s... |
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| We are hosting an Afternoon Tea for all who work with children & young people on Sunday 17th November at St Ninian's Church, Comely Bank. We will gather at 3:30pm and finish around 5pm. Register via this link. |
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| Faith in Older People are joining forces with Generations Working Together to host a free, online conference entitled Bringing the Generations Together. Register to join them on Wednesday 13th November from 2-4pm. |
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| Rachel Cooney warmly invites you to a Children’s Ministry Away Day @ Ps & Gs Church on Saturday 25 January from 9.00am to 1.00pm. The Children's Director says, “We will have tea/coffee and pastries to start, followed by training on topics such as Play, Creative Prayer, Storytelling, Trauma-Informed Practice and Neurodiversity. The training will be interactive and run by guest speakers.” Register here!
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| We are starting to collect stories for this Christmas's Youth & Children's Newsletter. We would love to feature a range of activities and events, from all across the Diocese, be they small, one-off, growing, or amazing! Share and celebrate your stories and be inspired by others. Contact Fee as soon as you can! |
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| Godly Play Scotland have scheduled various events over the next few months, from Discovery Days, to Circles and Material-Making days, to a Spring training weekend for all those who would like to become accredited Godly Players. All these events will take place in the Godly Play Room at Duddingston Kirk, Edinburgh, starting at 10am. Further details will be on Diocese events calendar shortly. ▶ Discovery Day: Sat 23 Nov. ▶ Material Making: Sat 9 Nov. ▶ Circles: Sat 30 Nov, Sat 14 Dec, Sat 18 Jan. ▶ Training: Fri 21-Sun 23 Mar. |
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| To support those offering ministry to children each Sunday, we have started to compile Lectionary-based resources via Google Drive. It is hoped that these will prompt planning or provide sheets just to print and have available. We are using the Revised Common Lectionary readings to enable continuity with what adults are engaging, thereby engendering discussion between generations and within families. If you, and/or members of your congregation, would like to have access to this Google Drive folder, please email Fee with name(s), email(s), and congregation. |
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| We are consolidating our various resources and webpages, with a view to removing duplication of effort and making things easier for you to find. You can find lots of information under the Adventures in Faith headline, including a list of Awareness Days that used to be included in this Update. Links to the main pages can be found via the menu items below. |
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| A key Awareness Day to bring to your attention is World Children's Day, which takes place on 20th November every year (a Wednesday this year). There are a good many resources available online (click on image) but perhaps it is a day to listen to how the children in your congregation see the future of your church and invite them to pray for children around the world, far too many of whom are facing violence, displacement, hunger, and thirst. |
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| There are a range of ideas for Advent and Christmas on our website, which we will continue to update in the coming days. If you are looking for something in particular, but are struggling with where to look, please do get in touch and we will endeavour to help. Alternatively, if you have found something wonderful and are willing to share, please do let us know! |
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| Keep up-to-date with Diocesan news & events |
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