Romsey and District Society – Natural Environment Committee – Objection (Summarised)
1. The site is outside the Settlement Boundary and in the Countryside, according to the current Revised Local Plan. There is also no housing need for this development. Southern Test Valley currently has a housing land supply of 6.83 years, well in excess of the 5 years’ supply required.
2. There are 6 SINCs which will be directly impacted by the proposals.
3. We are particularly concerned with the proposal for a footpath/cycle path through the SINCs to the south towards the A3090 Winchester Road.
4. With reference to the isolated oaks, we contest their classification as “urban trees”; they were plainly there long before any urban development in the area and would likely be relics of old woodlands or hedgerows.
5. We note that no surveys have been carried out in the southern part of the area, where the SINCs adjoin the Winchester Road. A recent bat survey noted that a number of bats were seen commuting across Ganger Farm Meadow and Ganger Swamp.
6. With regard to runoff of water from the site, the streams flow down to Crampmoor under the main road and on to the Tadburn Lake, which in turn passes through the Tadburn Meadows LNR and on to the River Test. There is a risk to these sites from changes in runoff, and also to the wet woodlands on site which are a priority habitat.
7. Concerned about water resources in the Test Valley, which are increasingly under threat from increased demand. However water- efficient new developments may be, they will always increase the overall use of our diminishing water resources.
8. In summary, we are objecting to the development in the countryside without justification; destruction of priority habitats and species; to the creation of a wide swathe of trackway through these habitats; to changes in hydrology caused by building, affecting on-site and off-site habitats; and to dubious proposals for mitigation.
Romsey and District Society – Planning Committee – Objection (Summarised)
1. The site is outside the settlement boundary and contrary to policy (Com2) to protect the countryside. The appropriate time to consider this site, or any other, is in the preparation and context of the next emerging Local Plan and not as a separate application at this present time.
2. In terms of housing need Southern Test Valley has allocated 37% more than the five year land supply required and therefore there is no justification for this application.
3. There is no evidence the developer has demonstrated the cumulative impact of the proposed development on the existing infrastructure and its effect on the provision of additional resources needed in respect of
(a) school/education facilities,
(b) Doctor surgeries/medical centres,
(c) recreational amenities,
(d) emergency services,
(e) road layout improvements.
4. We are concerned that access to the development site hinges on an over long cul-de-sac with the potential of excessive traffic passing through the narrow Scoreys Crescent and the entire route to Jermyns Lane. Acceptance of this application would result in demands on precious water resources and sewerage requirements which must be demonstrated to be deliverable before the application is considered.
5. In conclusion, there is no material consideration to outweigh the current valid planning policy and therefore the application should be refused.